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本会计师行主要专业服务是提供法定核数服务, 但我司明白客户在现今的环境下要求, 本会计师行会致力提供超越基本审计范围的商业意见, 令本会计师行服务得以更见效益。 其中包括下列专业服务 :

  • 税务安排 – 协助税务实地审查等
  • 与澳大利亚移民律师及移民顾问协助中国客户移居美丽及幸运国家 – 澳大利亚
    ( 澳洲 )
  • 代成立慈善机构(根据税务条例88条豁免缴税)

本会计师行亦尽力提供 “ 一条龙 ” 一站式服务。

邝志才会计师行宗旨 :
维持我司作为一间诚信及可信赖的会计师行及专业顾问公司, 透过提供最高质素的服务 – 最为裨益客户, 令本会计师行的服务更具效益和价值。
合伙人 :  
首席合伙人 :  
邝志才会计师 香港执业会计师
顾问 (海外) :  
MR. Gary Wong 澳洲税务师
顾问 (本地) :  
吴颖而小姐 公司秘书管理咨询顾问
首席顾问会计师 :  
吴健辉会计师 特许会计师, 英国特许秘书及行政人员公会


法定审核 : 主管 黎少芬会计师
税务 : 主管 邝志才会计师
会计及商业咨询 : 主管 蔡晓谕小姐
企业咨询部 : 主管 吴颖而小姐 / 谢银佩小姐
移民服务 : 主管 邝志才会计师
电话 : (852) 2572 8226
传真 : (852) 2572 8277
电邮 : info@cckwongcpa.com
网址 : www.cckwongcpa.com
本司地址 : 香港湾仔菲林明道8号大同大厦1703室

Professional Senior Staff Profile  会计师行合伙人及高级专业人员

Partners and Consultants 合伙人及专业顾问

Mr. Kwong Chi Choi Oliver, ACA, CPA (practising), CPA (Aust.)
Senior Partner

Serve articled at KPMG after graduated in Hong Kong and practised in Australia before back to Hong Kong to have partnership in 1995. He has served honorary treasurer and auditors position of charitable organisations, such as Scout Association, Lion Clubs, 大埔文艺协进会,香港大学-粤剧发展基金及认可 project auditors with Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Mr. Stanley Ng, MBA, FCCA, ACMA, FCPA,

Technical Support Adviser (Assurance & tax sections)
Ex-KPMG assistant manager before joining us as technical adviser. Qualified in UK ACCA and ACMA and mainly involved in in-house training and technical update for the firm.

Miss Mary Jim, M.Acct(Aust.), CPA(Aust.), CPA(HK),

Migration Audit Consultant (Audit Assurance Section)
Mary is specialised in assisting clients in PRC and HK for migration to Australia. She is also strong in providing accounting and corporate support to SME clients in PRC.


Professional senior staff  高级主管职员

Miss Peggy Fung, CPA (practising)
冯碧恩会计师 - 审计及税务询科主管

Partner Assistant (Audit Assurance & Tax Advisory)
Peggy is in-charge of Audit Assurance & Tax Advisory Services and is mainly engaged in monitoring audit management. She is also the technical adviser to partners and the firm.

Miss Winifred Yue, CPA (practising)
庾颖然会计师 - 审计及税务询科主管

Partner Assistant
Winifred is in-charge of our audit division and responsible for all audit assignments of both sizes of clients including SME enterprises.

Ms. Kenzi Lai, BBA(Hons), CPA (practising)

Head (tax advisory & migration consultancy)
Kenzi is mainly involved in-charge of both lead and overseas clients for statutory and project audits.

Ms. Natalie Ng, BA(Hons)

Consultant in corporate & Business Services
Natalie is in-charge of our corporate secretarial section & assist our clients in all corporate business issues such as company formation, secretarial service, trade mark.

Ms. Cherrie Shum, CPA

Consultant in Accounting & Business Services
Cherrie is in-charge of our accounting & business service section and engaged in accounting, book-keeping services, payroll and payment processing services to both SME and overseas clients with branches in Hong Kong.


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